Long Form

on days like these

“It was so much more than just a photoshoot,

it was a day I know I will treasure for ever.”

From the first moments before breakfast when the day is just beginning, to the last quiet before bed, when the light is low and the day is done.

Witnessing the life you’ve made,

honouring the beautiful truth of your days.

Long form sessions follow the rhythm of your day and allow the moments to unfold, unhurried and organic; stretching into a day, sinking into intention, leaning into truth.

'“It was such a gift of a day.

You yourself made it extra special. And the photos are so real I could cry. Thank you, thank you.”

Moments make days, days make a life.

This is how we honour this season of life; by paying attention to the small and sacred moments that make it.

The tender stirrings of morning; still sleepy and slow.

The acts of love that punctuate a day; food prepared and shared at the table, feelings held and beds made.

The adventures, yes and the lulls between.

The quietest moments, entirely unseen and know only to you.

“Such a huge thank you, for being with us that day.

For being so calm and patient and accepting. It feels vulnerable, doesn’t it? Having someone be present for your day and taking pictures of your life - almost exposing, in a way.

Then there was this moment, when I was looking into your camera and I realised that you just get it, all of it, and it was like this moment of deep connection. I feel that your art is on another level, it’s like a deep offering, a service, to bear witness the way you do.

The day felt raw and real, but that’s just who we are. You make it so comfortable, even when it feels hectic or chaotic. Now, the pictures you took that hang on our wall are truly, my most treasured possessions.

I’m so grateful that you have been part of our life.”

Long form could be for you if…

You care about creating a life of beauty and art and intention

You want to remember your days together just as they really feel, as they really are

You know the magic lives in the full spectrum of your family life; in the mess, the muddle, the juggle and joy and you want photos that embody it all

You want to be witnessed in all the loving work you do

You believe in presence, not perfection

You have the courage to allow yourself and your life to be really seen, in a loving and truthful gaze

“The work you do Gaby is so soulful and needed in the world. 

I spent time reflecting on having you with us those hours, it felt so vulnerable and raw as you never really know how a day is going to roll with little ones.  I realised that having you there with your camera just made me feel seen. As mothers we spend hour upon hour trying to make a life of love and beauty, day upon day and hour upon hour, it’s such an honour yet lonely and gruelling at times.

I am so glad we did the long form session.

It was more than just a photoshoot, it was a day I know I will treasure for ever.”

The details

The day - whatever shape feels good to you in this season. From waking up to going to bed or anything in between, two sessions or one sweet slow day. Let’s chat and we can land on a plan that works for you.

The cost - £1100 includes a full set of digital files and 10 loose 7x5 fine art prints. Book with a £200 deposit, flexible payment plans welcome.

Curious about booking a long form shoot but still have questions? Send me a message or give me a call. I’d love to chat.